
Friday, February 19

The Series of Unfortunate Events

I went back for CNY. A (my eldest brother) & I still haven't recovered from the last fight we had. We didn't talk much, I avoided him most of the time.

I celebrated CNY just like others. I went to a temple and try to read my future. Unfortunately, I got all the bad words. I tried few times, finally I got the better one.

I think, I think too much. I believe that my mind controls everything. I think too much about the bad things, suddenly I started to get the series of unfortunate events.


- fell down the stairs after I finished a really good massage
- canceled a trip to Bandung with C, we couldn't get taxi and it was raining at that time


- I couldn't get the book for my thesis :(


- met a very bad traffic jam on the way to airport
- my plane got electrical problems. changed with another plane and we left Jakarta at 9.30pm, we supposed to leave at 8.10pm
- reached KLIA at 12.30am.


- paid the internet, but the stupid internet provided couldn't updated my last payment

- same as 19/02

Although, all those thing could be solved, I'm scared that I'm gonna meet other unfortunate events.

Yeahyeahyeah, those weren't that bad, I'm just exaggerating those things.

Yes, those weren't that bad.

Everything will be alright

Everything will be alright

Everything will be alright

Everything will be alright

Don't think too much

Don't think too much

Don't think too much..

Everything will be alright so don't think too much..


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