
Wednesday, June 22


I was born and raised in Jakarta. I am proud to be part of this enchanting oddball city.


Because you cant describe Jakarta with only one word.

Once you have a chance to stay there, you’re going to have love and hate relationship with this city.

You will always find something new in Jakarta; malls, restaurants, place to hangout, roadside foods, and expensive restaurant for the “socialite”, etc etc etc.

In Jakarta you can accidentally eat rat-meatballs for your lunch and have wagyu steak for dinner.

In Jakarta, on the way to the newest mall, you can see poor kids asking for money and luxurious car by your side.

Jakarta, the traffic jam, the chaos caused by the motorcycle, the economy crisis but people still buying cars endlessly.

Jakarta; full with idealist people who have concern with the future of Indonesia and people who have the heart for others.

You can find those people as easy as you find those who are sitting (sleeping) comfortably in the parliament house, who will pretend that they are thinking about the future of this country but (I think I shouldn’t say anything more).

I was born and raised in Jakarta. No matter how chaotic the city is, I am proud to be part of it. Here, I learned how to mingle easily with people from other races and religions. In Jakarta, I learned how to seize the day with my friends in the middle of hectic road. In Jakarta, I learned how people need to struggle for their lives. In Jakarta, I have a chance to watch how people making their histories. Economy crisis, May 1998, from Planet Hollywood until XXI, from Roti Bakar Edi to Social House, everything is there in Jakarta. Yeah, I’m facing love and hate relationship with this city and its going to be forever.


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