
Wednesday, May 19


#1 finish my thesis
#2 find a job
#3 get my parents to have a holiday

Tuesday, May 18

Rainy Day

This afternoon, I received a call from the International Student Department (ISD). The immigration asks me to come for interview. It's regarding my visa renewal.

I'm scareddddddd..
On the other side, I'm quite sure that I'll be able to answer everything. I hope everything will go smoothly tomorrow. Oh, wish me luck.

I feel like I'm running out of time.
I really really really have to finish my thesis.
Three months (I hope they're gonna give me three months, I wouldn't ask for more).
Ready or not, I have to go back.

The rain is falling outside.
Asking a mercy from God,
please help me.
and the day after..

Sunday, May 16


Lately, people are asking me about what I’m planning to do in the near future.
Honestly, I’m not sure, I have no plans.
I’m tired with those people who lecturing me;
You have to take this opportunity.
You have to go there.
You have to stay here.
You better think about this or about that.

Okay, enough!
I’ve been thinking about all of these things since I can't remember.
I’ve been trying so hard to make some plans.
After five months, I started to surrender.
I won’t make any plans, anymore.

Do you know that I have tons of thoughts in my mind?
Okay, I know you are older than me, but you don’t understand certain things.
A little bit of reality,
Changing plans,
Modified plans,
And so forth.

Please, stop lecturing me. I’m the one who’s going to take all the risks. Let me live my own life.

I’ve decided,
No plans..
I’ll step to every opportunity I can get, whether it’s there or there or maybe there.
Don’t judge me.
I’ll take the risk

Tuesday, May 11

Taking Advantage

I'm supposed to work with Ashley today. Unfortunately, her father was fell down on his house two days ago. This morning, she took him into specialist and just found out that he needs to be admitted to the hospital for three days.

Phone calls were made.
Finding replacement but failed.

So here I am,
chatting, writing, thinking,
will open the shop at 5pm.

A little bit thankful because I can clean up my room, doing my thesis.
A little bit sad for Ashley.
Whispering, "get well soon uncle" in my room right now.

Tuesday, May 4

Hello May

Yesss, I'm doing my thesis right now.
Nothing much happening.
Moving out, moving in.
Confusion is challenging.

Oh well,
forget about my thesis,
forget about tomorrow,
The rain has gone..
Shiny sunset comes over through C's windows.
Should I take one more bite of Ferrero Rocher?
Mission hasn't been accomplished.

Same old..
Same old..

Hello the beginning of May.
I hope when the end comes, my mission has accomplished.